There appears to be a heavy supply of news that could be interpretted negatively causing the market to again collapse. The bank stress test results so far have been pretty lame. Who among us doesn't believe that the banking system is still in trouble? More and more people continue to lose jobs, consumers are tightening their belts, spending only on necessities. And the biggest potential problem is the Mexican Flu situation. I can't think of anything that has to potential to rock our world sufficiently enough to drive the markets below the February lows than this.


The chart of the monthly 10 Year Interest rate shows a successful three month test of the low. As expected, rates are up this month but despite this bullish pattern, trying to get a handle on the news that may affect this market is confusing. There is still the red colored trend line that must be respected. This comes in at the 3.20% level. Yesterday my daily chart work targeted a much higher level and truly, this chart leads me to want to bet that rates can easily reach the 4% level again, if we can just clear the 3.2% hurdle.
Rates have fallen this week as the Mexican Flu worries have stimulated a "flight to safety." But how safe are Treasuries? How safe is the dollar? The Treasury and Federal Reserve have been taking huge bets that their stimulative efforts will revive the economy. For their gamble to pay off, the economy needs to rebound with significant growth. What happens though if we are hit with another panic situation? What happens then? I can see it now, government officials, bank CEOs, major manufacturing companies on tv; will be explaining that it is the Perfect Storm. We could have never seen this coming! Of course not. It's called RISK!
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